Our Wellbeing Day on Saturday 11th March raised a fantastic £800. Huge thank you to John and Beverley Beamont for all their hard work and to the therapists for giving up their Saturday and helping to raise funds. Our many thanks go to our amazing therapists all listed below.
Website: Marianne Flint from Flint Kinetics, Email: marianne@flintkinetics.co.uk
Website: Anna Hazlehurst Acupuncture, Email: hazlehurst.anna@gmail.com
Website: Avril Plank at The Retreat, Email:averil.theretreat@googlemail.com
Website: Karen Benbow Complimentary Therapy Email:karen.benbow@bowen-technique.co.uk
Website: Lazy Moon Wellbeing Studio Email: lazymoonwellbeing@gmail.com
Website: Jamie Francis Personal Training Email: jamie@jamiefrancis.co.uk
Website: Nina Truman Therapixie Email: nina@therapixie.com
Jane Cleave for Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy. Email: jane.cleave@hotmail.co.uk