Charlie’s ambition to create a Charitable, support service for our Community is a credit to her vision, drive and motivation. We are indebted to her for 23 years of commitment and hard work, helping to shape the Charity to what it is today.

After 23 years of tireless service, Charlie Wells our founding Trustee decided to retire.
Following a personal tragedy where Charlie lost her sister Penny, and identified the need for a Hospice at Home nursing service, she inspired a group of local people to form a Board of Trustees and Shipston Home Nursing was born.
Since that time Charlie has been actively involved with the Charity providing clinical guidance and mentorship to the Nursing Team together with a ‘can do’ approach to the running of the Charity. Charlie leaves with our thanks for helping to build our service and reputation to what it is today, we wish her the very best for the future.

Other Trustee news

In addition Jeremy Wiggin and Simon Miesegaes, both long standing Trustees decided not to stand for re-election because of other commitments, they also leave with our grateful thanks for all their efforts and support over their many years of service.