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Running is a fairly new sport to me; I started at the beginning of 2020 by joining some friends who were training for the 2020 London Marathon. I ran with them and completed a half marathon in early March 2020. Although meeting up for runs has been a bit on and off over the last year due to Covid, we have managed to keep running and my friends asked why didn’t I try for a place on the London Marathon now taking place in October 2021. I decided a charity place was the way to go. It would give me a massive incentive to keep training and also not only give me euphoria of having completed 26.2 miles but of having raised a substantial amount of money for a charity who needs funds now more than ever.
I looked at the official list on the marathon website but it would almost be a case of just choosing one and my funds going into a big pot. I was, therefore, excited when I saw on the Shipston Home Nursing website that they were looking to fill a place. Shipston Home Nursing being a local charity meant that many of my friends would know of it, one that local businesses would support and a charity that is well respected for the amazing work they do and that many local people will either have benefitted from or know someone who has.
I was, therefore, delighted when Rebecca accepted my application; so between now and October I shall be running the roads in the local area so if you see me, give me a wave and encourage me on.