Leadership Team

Meet the Team

We’re led by a small part-time leadership team comprising of Andrew Revell, Executive Director, Gemma Roberts, Head of Nursing Services, Kate Bamford, Head of Fundraising and Communications, and Tracy Brewer, Head of Operational Support who collectively manage the daily activities of the charity.

Our Executive Director is responsible to the Board of Trustees via an Executive Committee (EXCO) comprising of three Trustees. The Executive Director and the Executive Committee have responsibility for the daily operational management of the charity, together with the planning and execution of our strategic plan.

Executive Director’s Comment

Without the unfailing support and commitment of our donors, volunteers, staff and trustees, we would cease to exist. Thank you for your efforts, thoughtfulness and support of this essential community service.

It’s been another busy year for us, the key highlights of which we have summarised below.

Our patient numbers continue to grow with 167 patients and families cared for in 2024 through our Hospice at Home Service and a further 29 through our Bereavement and Counselling Services.

During 2024 we met and began care for 103 new patients all of whom had been diagnosed with illnesses which were incurable and no longer responding to treatment. Our aim is to introduce ourselves to all patients, assess their needs and agree an initial plan of care within 24 hours of the patient being referred to us for support. The care we provide is very much based on the nature of the patient’s illness and we always consider what the patient wants and how their family wish to help support their ongoing care.

We are often asked to describe exactly what a Hospice at Home Service does. It’s a difficult question as our care is specific to each individual patient. However we can broadly describe what we do as, Nursing Care and Symptom Control, Personal Care, Night Care, Respite Support, Emotional Support, Pre and Post Bereavement Support, Liaison, Advice and Signposting with all other stakeholders as part of a multi-disciplinary approach to caring for the whole family.

The notion of end of life care at home can understandably be daunting and we acknowledge that this is not a service that is suitable for everyone. It is dependent on the nature and severity of illnesses alongside the available family support structure. Of the patients we care for, around 85% achieve their ambition of being nursed full term at home with hospice or hospital inpatient units or nursing home care being other options if needed. End of life care at home provides familiarity, flexibility and can be managed safely, with patients supported by our 24 hour helpline. This is covered by one of our own Nurse Coordinators who will provide advice and, if required, visit patients whatever time of the day or night it happens to be. I recognise that contacting a hospice is a brave step but I would encourage anybody facing the need for the type of care we provide to telephone us for a ‘gentle’ conversation.

Through our fundraising efforts and the generous support we receive from donors and grant making bodies, we are still financially healthy and finished our 2023-24 financial year with an operational loss of £28,538 and a positive net income of £30,938 after accounting for gains and losses on fixed asset investments.

Our patient facing, fundraising and operations teams continue to work tirelessly to maintain and improve the high standards we want to be recognised for. As always, my thanks go to them for their efforts and dedication.

Similarly, without our loyal groups of volunteers, trustees, donors, personal and business supporters, our future would be bleak. My thanks also go to you all.

Best wishes.


Andrew Revell

Executive Director and Nominated Individual


Andrew spent many years in Banking and Finance both in the UK and abroad and took the opportunity where possible to get involved with national and local charities. He became more involved with Shipston Home Nursing in September 2017 following a period where we supported him to look after his late wife.

Andrew subsequently volunteered to help provide management support to us and was asked by the Trustees to review how we did things operationally to understand areas where improvements could be made. Following the review Andrew joined us as our Interim Executive Director in November 2017.

He strongly believes that the patient and family experience we can provide is fundamental and should underpin everything we do.

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