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Ian’s Walks spring into Summer




We are moving onto Summertime. The next Walk will take place from The Ebrington Arms  GL55 6NH – Mon 10th April 2017 at 6pm. 

It climbs gently up to Foxcote c. 1hr 10 mins.
then Option 1 – A freewheel back to the Ebrington Arms on a Farm track – 20 mins 
or Option 2 – A further climb up Ebrington Hill with spectacular views and then freewheel back to the Ebrington Arms – c. 1 hr.

Please let me know if you would like to come/join us for supper. The Pub would like us to pre- book so could those suppering, get there c.5.45 pm. We will need to start punctually at 6pm or we might run out of light to enjoy the views.

I have decided to have an organised Walk monthly usually on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month and will aim to send out details about 10 days before.

As you may know, I always do a practice walk  about a week or 2 before to make sure that a. I know the way  and b. the route is clear. I will usually do them at fairly short notice and varying times. Any one who would also like to come on these Practice Walks is more than welcome, just let me know and I will circulate the details.


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