Where do you want to be when you die?
This week is National Dying Matters Week and the theme this year is #InAGoodPlace.
Many people have an instinctive preference about where they’d like to be at the end of their life, but we know most people in the UK haven’t written down their wishes, or spoken about them to a loved one.
It’s not an easy subject. But it is important for families to think about it, to talk about it and to plan for it. Imagine a world where people of all ages can be #InAGoodPlace when they die – physically, emotionally and with the right care in place.
Shipston Home Nursing
provides FREE end of life care to families and patients in Shipston-on-Stour, Wellesbourne and Kineton and the surrounding villages. If you, or anyone you know needs our help, please do get in touch.